
  • Motor connection test

    Basic Code to test the Motor connections for the LF-2 Line Follower Kit

    Click here for code 
  • Sensor read program

    Program to print out the raw sensor values read by the line following sensor array

    Click here for code 

New LF2 Kit Program

New Code for Line Following with the LF-2 kit using 5/7 channel sensors. This code does not require any library installations. Work in progress!! So try with caution.

Edit Lines 18-20 as per your robot and track details.

LF2 Kit Program

Older code for the LF-2 Line Follower Kit. This code requies the TB6612FNG Library which needs to be installed separately.

This code is adjusted for 5 sensors reading a 25mm black line. Configure lines 13-16 as per your robot to get optimal performance.

You can change speed using the lfspeed variable on line 42

8 Channel Line Follower Program

Sample Code for Line Following using the 8 channel sensor

Sample Arena Designs

Feel free to use these sample designs to test out your robots.

15 mm Black Line

Total mat size- 1219 * 3810 mm

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16mm Back Line

Total mat size- 1387 * 2302 mm

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20mm Black Line

Total mat size- 2133 * 3657mm

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25mm Black Line

Total mat size- 1220 * 2220 mm

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Maze Solver

30mm Black Line
Total mat size- 1448 * 2134 mm

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